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JobElephant Recognized for Its Recruitment Advertising Analytics and Reporting Tools
2024 MarTech Breakthrough Award honors innovative analytics solution.
The program recognized JobElephant for its innovative recruitment advertising technology, which is reshaping how human resources departments plan and execute their recruitment marketing efforts.

Streamlining Hiring Efforts: Michael Ang’s Visionary Approach at Job Elephant!
Join us as we delve into the world of recruitment advertising with Michael Ang, the visionary CEO of Job Elephant. With a mission to take the work out of your job, Job Elephant specializes in providing expert recruitment advertising services, allowing employers to focus on what they do best.

A.I. in Talent Acquisition: Talking TA with Andrew Gardiner
In this podcast, Denise Chapman interviews Andrew Gardiner from The HireKey about the use of AI in talent acquisition. They discuss how AI is already being used to automate tasks such as prescreening candidates and assessing their fit for a job. However, they also point out that AI is not a magic bullet and that it still needs to be calibrated and integrated with existing systems in order to be effective.

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